Birchleaf Spiraea
Birchleaf Spiraea
Out of stock
*ORDERING QUANTITIES - our seedlings are sold in bulk*
10 - 27 cu. in. seedlings are sold in bundles of 24 (1 unit = 24 seedlings)
100 & 175 cu. in. seedlings are sold in bundles of 9 (1 unit = 9 seedlings)
Spiraea betulifolia
Natural Habitat: Forest understory, rivers and stream banks
Life Cycle: Perennial
Foliage: Wildflower
Rhizomatous: Yes
Light Requirements: Full to part sun
Bloom Time: June - July
Bloom Color: White
Height: 1- 3 ft
Elevation Range: 1,000 - 10,000 ft.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 3
Wind Tolerance: Low - moderate
Soil Preference: Moist, well-drained soils that are neutral or acidic
Alkali/ Saline Soil Tolerance: Can tolerate mildly alkaline
Minimum Annual Precip: 25 - 50 inches
Drought Tolerance: Moderate
Disturbance: Does well in disturbed sites, propagates quickly
Potential Pests/ Disease: Typically does not have disease problems but can be susceptible to galls, fire blight, aphids, powdery mildew
Deer Resistance: Moderate - High
Wildlife Value:
- Source for pollinators
- Provides protection for insects and small mammals